The discursive structure of myths and symbols of each of the selected sites will be studied, as well as its iconic-graphic and hypertextual aspect, the diagrammatic dynamics of their contest, and the creation of hyperlinks with themselves and with other parallel and complementary information areas. efficiency of the dual-purpose cattle system located in Zulia State, Venezuela. Afro-American Site: llé Axé Opo Afonjá/Candomblé. The present review offers a panoramic and significant vision about AI and its. Catholic-Christian Site: EWTN/Global Catholic Network. Density and information criteria were used for choosing the sample which consisted of two religious Homepages: 1. Eliade and the anthropological vision of Pollak-Eltz will focus on the image as a form of textuality within the cultural telecommunicative context. Barthes, the arquetipal and simbols researchs of G. Actualidad del mundo, prensa económica, diarios deportivos, periódicos regionales y diarios locales. ( 244 E圎l presente trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar un panorama.
The corpus analysis, based in the audiovisuals rhetorical of R. Maracaibo, Venezuela, Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronoma, 1977. This is an exploratory qualitative research which analyses two aspects of the religious fact: the Catholic-Christian and the Afro-American, in relation to its iconic significant display in the Internet network. Ciberreligiones: Aproximación al discurso religioso católico y afro-americano en internet Cyber-Religions: An approximation to the Catholic and Afro-American Religious Discourse in Internet. Colombia juhace 8 días Confirman la muerte de siete personas en la tragedia de una mina de carbón en Zulia Los equipos de socorro han logrado el rescate de los cuerpos de siete.